Vader / Father:

Kubsch salmon het albino (Kahl)

Moeder / Mother:

Sunglow jungle IMG

Geboren / Born:

22 may 2022

15 baby's


This is a project that started years ago. Creating sunglow boa's with the kubsh colours. This is my first pairing of a Kubsch salmon het albino animal from my line! I don't have a female kubsh salmon het albino ready (2023 season they will be), so I need to use this female sunglow jungle IMG for this year. The results are already incredible!! Some really colourful sunglow's and sunglow jungle's. I expect that the colour will only increase cause of the kubsch influence.


Mannen / Male's

3-1 IMG sunglow jungle 3-2 Sunglow jungle poss IMG 3-3 Sunglow jungle poss IMG 3-4 Sunglow
Holdback! Sold! Sold! Sold!
3-5 Sunglow jungle poss IMG 3-6 IMG hypo jungle het albino 3-7 Super hypo jungle het albino 3-8 Hypo het albino IMG
Holdback! Sold! Sold! Sold!
3-9 Hypo het albino poss IMG      


Vrouwen / Female's

3-10 Sunglow IMG 3-11 Sunglow poss IMG 3-12 Sunglow jungle 3-13
Holdback! Holdback! Sold! Sold!
3-14 3-15    
Sold! Sold!